Bowen – Who is it for?

The Bowen Technique is an holistic therapy and as such treats the whole person.  It is suitable for all ages: newborn babies, children and adults of all ages.  The Bowen Technique has provided help and relief for a great variety of conditions, including: neck and back pain, frozen shoulder, knee problems, respiratory conditions, sports injuries,  PMS/menstrual symptoms, infant colic, during and after pregnancy.  Many of my clients seek Bowen for pain management & relief.P1020755

Some people use Bowen as a means of stress management and general health maintenance.

I am very happy to answer questions you may have.P1020802

To receive maximum benefit it is recommended that other physical therapies are not mixed with The Bowen Technique, e.g massage or reflexology.

Please note: The Bowen Technique is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.  If in doubt please consult your Doctor.

Contact me on:, 01875 824604, 07986 555275.

Sara Slater Holistic Therapies, Ormiston, East Lothian, EH35 5LR
