Bowen – What’s involved?

A treatment takes approximately 45 minutes and most of the work can be performed through light clothing if preferred.P1020796

Using thumbs and fingers, gentle rolling like moves are made on precise points of the body to stimulate the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body.  The Bowen moves work on the body in a way that promote the body’s ability to heal itself by encouraging deep relaxation.P1020795

During the session there are a series of breaks: short periods of time in which the client is left resting.  These are a unique feature of The Bowen Technique and allow the body to register the gentle moves made.P1020753

Initially three sessions, at weekly intervals are recommended.  Everyone’s different, some people need less, some need more.  Many people like to continue their treatment with a maintenance session every few months.

Contact me on:, 01875 824604, 07986 555275.

Sara Slater Holistic Therapies, Ormiston, East Lothian, EH35 5LR
